How much I’ve spent so far running my own Mastodon server on AWS
Yesterday I took a poll to find out what would be most interesting to write about. I will abide by this poll.
TILs (Today I Learned) are short form, tech posts, on the things I learn about throughout the course of my day. Mostly nerd stuff. Never stop learning!
Yesterday I took a poll to find out what would be most interesting to write about. I will abide by this poll.
I worked this out a while back using TypeScript, but for some reason I decided I needed to redo this in Python. So, here it is. This is simply a CDK application that deploys an Amazon DynamoDB table called “Tickets” as well as a single AWS Lambda function with a
Mastodon appears to be a really good copy machine, and makes cache copies of all kinds of image files, videos, and avatars based on the accounts you follow.
In the end, I wound up with this nice looking custom dashboard in CloudWatch and a few alarms set up to monitor the metrics I decided were critical.
There are many, many excellent client applications available for connecting to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) Bucket from macOS. Over the years, I’ve used plenty of them. But, I haven’t been able to find a good one that is also compatible with connecting via temporary credentials issued
Today I was studying for an upcoming AWS Certification and I had a chance to learn a handy method for calculating server capacity for high availability. It’s easy! First, you need to know how many Availability Zones are available in the region you are working in. And, within that
I recently decided to re-do my personal AWS accounts using AWS IAM Identity Center (SSO) and AWS Control Tower. For reasons mostly having to do with house keeping, I decided to start from scratch with a new parent account and migrate things in while cleaning up others. It’s pretty
I’m starting a new mini-series on here. It’s called “Today I Learned.” I was recently reading “What to blog about” by Simon Willison, where he talks about writing his own TIL posts, and it occurred to me that this is what I should also be doing. Like Simon,
What happens all the time is, you hit the Yubikey by accident while typing in to Slack or some other chat program and you wind up sending the whole channel a "Yubisneeze."